Consider a Banker as a “Value-Add” to Your Team in a Bankruptcy

Consider the addition of an Invesment Banker to your team of professionals when engaging in a Chapter 5 or 11!

A Banker’s experience in a sale can potentially drive a process towards higher valuations:

  1. Pre-emptively identify potential buyers with a Debtor
  2. Actively pursue potential buyers and get to market quickly
  3. Create a competitive atmosphere pre-auction
  4. Validate a stalking-horse’s offer (or parties “in-play” prior to banktuptcy)  and determine if an auction is even necessary
  5. Conduct an auction if necessary and be prepared to “push for a second auction” if surprise buyers emerge
  6. Valuations can increase substantially in our experience if proper techniques are utilized

Let Beechwood work with you through the important decision-making process prior to embarking on a final course of action.

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